At Unity , our foundation is built on the power of affirmative prayer and healing. If you'd like for us to join with you in affirmative prayer, we invite you to fill out this prayer request form. All prayer requests are confidential. At Unity, we affirm that we never pray alone.
How May We Pray With You?
Silent Unity, the worldwide prayer ministry of Unity, has been praying with people seeking spiritual support for 125 years. The 24/7 prayer ministry—which responds to prayer requests via telephone, postal mail, online or via the uPray free mobile app—serves people of all faiths from all parts of the world.
Silent Unity prays affirmatively, believing that God is everywhere present and active in and through all lives, and serves with sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality. From the moment a prayer request is received, the sender is lovingly enfolded in prayer. After a response has been provided, the prayer request is placed in the Silent Unity Prayer Vigil Chapel, where prayer is continuous, for 30 days.
Courtesy of: Silent Unity